So there was SMU and followed by Convocation. HOnestly, i think convocation is just a ceremony, no big deal. i was trying to stay awake.
luckily there came this speaker. not the normal speaker seen at convocation. his name is Tony Fernandes. a very interesting man. a very humourous speaker that catches the attention of his audience. and a true entrepreneur. great respect for this man.
first thing he did on stage was to change his erm weird looking cap(i dont know what the hell it is called) to his air asia cap. caught the attention of all students. woo. den he started his speech. i would like to recap what he said. i felt that the points are nice and i would like to emulate him.
he talked abt 3 factors for success.
1. People.
Internal Branding - in order for ur company to be renown, the most important thing to let your own people be convinced of your own product(in this case Air Asis). You are only as good as your people. They run the show. so with conviction in their mind, things work much better.
Mr Tony works as one of his staff work(no matter air crew(not pilot btw. hahaz) or watever, cant really remember) once a month or once in 2 months. he illustrates that this helps him understand their role and to know them better. it allows him a better and different view of his company.
Nurturing and Realising potential - he is in the league to nurture potential in his company. he sends bellboys(with potential) and people interested to become pilot. he helps them succeed and in return they help him succeed. he dont put people down.
2. Marketing and Branding
Putting money behind brand(Advertising) - in this hughly competitive world, we need to brand ourselves so that others knows. when others know, they will prefer. he did it with manchester united and referee. and is not afraid to advertise on places which his planes do not visit.
global branding
3. innovation
do not be afraid - try and try. evaluate the risks and go for it.
some of the points are rather straight forward and i cannot really remember what he said. however it was an impressive feat of him. and i respect him.