Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Went out yesterday to buy shirt. In the end, i bought i coat of $60. Quite expensive but luckily its inside my budget. I have thought of buying a long pants and what but i will just have to settle with the less expensive stuff. Felt quite sianz yesterday. Don't really know the reason why(or i should say i know the reason why but i just don't want to say it out).

Felt very lost nowadays. Just can't see the goal in front of me. Sometimes, i felt like giving up but i guess i just "tricked" myself into believing that the goal is right ahead. In my heart, i know that it is still a long long way ahead. What's more is that i don't even know if there is really a path to the goal . Maybe there just isn't anything i can do about it. Maybe i can't really reach the goal. On the other hand, maybe i can.

Life is full of uncertainties. However, i will try my best to go for those goals i will. If i fall, i will fall with pride that i have done my best and that it just wasn't meant to be.


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